Almaty conference 8 december, 2012

On December 8, Kazakhstan`s economic and financial centre Almaty welcomed ShowFx World Conference. Even though this conference was arranged in the southern capital of Kazakhstan for the first time, it drew lots attention.

At the conference presentations were made by prominent financial analysts, teachers of trading and successful traders too. In particular, Nadezhda Zhizhko gave a speech on features and opportunities of Chinoku Span Line while using Ichimoku. Sergey Belayev told the audience about how to identify turning points in Bollinger Bands. The presentation of Oleg Khmelevskoy was dedicated to the basics of building and using Andrew`s Pitchfork. Olga Dudukalova and Anatoliy Hegai enlightened the listeners about investment accounts. The conference visitors were glad to take part in seminars and round-tables and discuss hot-button Forex trading issues.

Sticking to the tradition so cherished by ShowFx World followers, the representatives of the exhibition brand raffled a state-of-the-art device. "I am very happy to be here today. It`s been a long time since I joined Forex, but never before have I had a chance to communicate with my peers in a real time mode. Thanks to ShowFx World, I discovered a mine of useful information which will undoubtedly be as helpful for my trading as the smartphone I won. Many, many thanks to ShowFx World," a draw winner said in an interview.

Good traditions are also diligently observed by InstaForex Company, the conference sponsor. The representatives of the international Forex broker organized a quiz for the conference visitors. The quiz participants were asked questions concerning InstaForex Company. The winners were given iPhone 4 and iPad 2 as well as $500 certificates.

"It is no coincidence that the conference is being held in Almaty. The point is that comparatively high standards of living coupled with keen financial awareness feed interest in new investments. We may well arrange another exhibition in Almaty in the near future, as this city abounds in firms related to the financial markets one way or another," the conference organizers said.

ShowFx World international exhibition brand would like to express its gratitude to all the visitors, participants and partners of the conference.


Oleg Hmelevskoy
Speaker at ShowFx World in Almaty
Maksim Ayzner, Evgeniy Belonosov
InstaForex representatives in Kazakhstan
