Roman Bogomazov - An Adjunct Professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco

Roman is an Adjunct Professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. He is a board member and a program coordinator for the Technical Securities Analysts Association of San Francisco (TSAASF). Roman entered the trading profession in 1996 and has since developed his focus on education and professional training.

Roman teaches "Wyckoff Method" as a technical analysis class and "Trading Strategies and Implementation" which focuses on trading plan development, back testing and trading performance. He is a consultant and developer of the Cyber Campus technical market analysis program at Golden Gate University. Roman is a frequent speaker at local, national and international events.

Roman holds a B.S. in Economics and Management from University of Maryland and a M.S. in Finance from Golden Gate University. He is one of the first graduates to receive a Certificate of Technical Market Analysis from Golden Gate University.

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