Roman Cepelev

(Jakarta exhibition 30-31 july, 2011)
Representative InstaForex

July 30-31 was marked by Jakarta EXPO 2011 successfully held at Jakarta Convention Center.

This time ShowFx Asia exposition was partaken by famous brokerage companies such as InstaForex, IKOfx, Monex and also FIBO Group international financial holding company and Windsor Brokers investment company. The exhibition was also attended by large educational projects, software developers, mass media representatives specializing in this field and other financial market participants. As usually, the whole spectrum of topical offers and latest developments in the sphere of online trading were represented at the exposition. Everyone had a unique chance to informally converse with forex professionals and representatives of financial companies.

Within the framework of the exhibition 10 seminars were held. Each of them proved to be very popular. Burning issues covered by speakers spurred opinions exchange and vivid discussions.

Money bonuses and precious prizes were granted to the winners of 8 contests arranged by the expositions organizers and participants.

The photos and video materials of Jakarta exposition are available on the official website

ShowFx project administrators express their gratitude to all partners, participants and guests of the exhibition and is looking forward to the next meeting in Kiev, Ukraine on September 23-24 2011.

We will be happy to see you!

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