
RBC-Ukraine is an independent news agency that specializes in financial, economic, and political news from Ukraine, neighboring countries and the West.

Real-time news releases are accompanied by analytical remarks about important events in politics and economy. RBC-Ukraine also has its finger on the pulse of the situation on financial markets, stock quotes, and exchange rates.

The news agency work is done by the team of professional journalists experienced in cooperating with leading Ukrainian business media.

Our business creed is complete independence, impartiality, and only first-hand and reliable information. We support no political party or corporation. We do not spread propaganda or manipulate our readers. We are guided by the best standards of international journalism.

Audience size: 2.5 million readers a month

Editor in chief: Anton Podlutskiy

Phone: (044) 593-29-23

Email: apodlutzkiy@rbc.ua

Email for press releases, invitations, contact with editors, and feedback: news@rbc.ua

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