Expos and seminars

Every year under the ShowFx World ShowFx Asia brands being held up to 8 financial exhibitions and conferences.

All events include educational programs, representing master classes and economic reviews on the topics of trading on financial markets, investing and personal finance management. Seminars are held by the best financial analysts, traders and experts in the field of investment.

We are always open for cooperation with educational projects and new speakers.

On this page you can find the nearest and the recent ShowFx World events and themes carried out in the framework of seminars.

Eksposisi yang akan datang

Join a free webinar from one of the famous Malaysian coaches - Tusvendran Pillai.

Pameran yang baru-baru ini diadakan

Join a free webinar from one of the famous Malaysian coaches - Tusvendran Pillai.

Join a free webinar from one of the famous Malaysian coaches - Tusvendran Pillai.

Hurry up to register for the online-webinar with Azsaef!

Join a free webinar with Faa Kamarudin!

Hurry up to register for the online-webinar with Alejandro Caravotta in Chile!

Offline webinar with Tusvendran Pillai and Aaron M.

Join a free webinar from one of the famous Malaysian coaches - Tusvendran Pillai.

Join a free webinar from one of the famous Malaysian cryptotraders - Aaron M!

Offline webinar in Sarawak with Tusvendran Pillai.

Offline webinar in Brunei with Tusvendran Pillai.

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Topik seminar:

  • Pengantar – Konsep Dasar dan Terminologi
  • Pasar Keuangan dan Jenis-jenisnya
  • Pelaku Pasar, Pricing dan Mekanisme Kerja Interbank
  • Analisa Teknikal
  • Analisa Fundamental
  • Siasat Trading
  • Ketentuan Capital Manajemen
  • Aspek psikologi bekerja pada pasar mata uang